
Boot Room

Historically an overlooked area, now one of the most common areas our clients choose to treat is the boot room. A combination of foot, shoe and rubber odours can make for an unpleasant environment and a poor advertisement for visitors, furthermore these odours often disguise the potential issues with contaminates carried from throughout the plant into a single area increasing the microbial risk. With AIRsteril in operation the change is palpable in this type of environment, with clean fresh air giving a positive experience to all entering the plant.

External Odours

Certain products or production processes can create strong odours which need to be managed correctly to avoid complaints from neighbours. Daxairscience can provide a tailor made solution for this type of issue whether big or small, our specialist work in the Waste processing industry has boosted our expertise in this area to solve the toughest odour issues and eliminate any genuine complaints.

Standard Washroom & Changing Rooms

Convert your washroom from an infection distribution centre to an infection control centre.

Washrooms with offensive odours are a sure sign that they are unhygienic and a health hazard for staff, customers and visitors. Traditional cleaning methods only offer a temporary solution and fragrances only mask the odours they do not remove the source.

With our no chemical, no filter AIRsteril technology, we GUARANTEE a round-the-clock odour-free, clean and safe washroom with our market-leading products.

Get in touch today